Summer Smiles, Board Match Challenge

Be the Reason Someone Smiles

For those living on the edge of poverty, summer brings extra challenges. For families with school-age children, the lack of school-provided breakfast and lunch and the lack of transportation to summer meal programs means grocery bills are being stretched by more than high inflation. For the elderly and those with health issues, the hot months mean more than just higher utility bills. The heat and humidity can lead to a surge in emergency room visits. Even with these challenges, there is hope that stems from your compassion and support.

Recognizing the escalating need in our community, our Board of Directors has pledged $50,000 to match gifts this summer.

Double the impact of your gift when you donate by September 30, 2024!

The Impact Your Gift Can Have In a Neighbor's Life

Travis, a loyal employee for more than ten years, was unexpectedly laid off. He immediately filed for unemployment while he looked for another job. A couple of weeks later, the NC Employment Security Office called him to tell him his claim was delayed due to an employee misspelling his name in their system. Between his small savings and help from family, Travis was able to cover most of his expenses for the month but lacked enough to pay his rent. Travis called Crisis Control Ministry to help with his rent payment while he was waiting for the unemployment issue to be sorted out. Because of the support from our donors, we were able to provide payment to Travis’s landlord while Travis continued to look for employment. He begins his new job next month!

Please give now to help a neighbor in crisis with your donation, and share a smile.



Summer Match Challenge!

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