Want to give more purpose to gently used items that you no longer need? Donate them to us and help a neighbor in need!

Your donations can help raise funds for Crisis Control Ministry of Kernersville. Drop off donations Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Crisis Control Ministry, Inc. of Kernersville, 431 W. Bodenhamer St.
Over the past year, consignment sales have brought in over $17,000 to Crisis Control Ministry's Kernersville office. By donating your gently used or new items, you are helping us to support our neighbors in crisis.
To see our current stock, follow our Facebook page visit our eBay page or one of two local consignment stores:
Unique Treasurers & Collectibles 505 Nelson St. Kernersvlle, NC 27284
Cooper's Vintage Village 305 E. Bodenhamer St. Kernersville, NC 27284
Please email khoffner@crisiscontrol.org with any questions.
NEW or LIKE NEW Name Brand purses or shoes
Jewelry - gold/silver/current costume
NEW or LIKE NEW pots, pans, small kitchen appliances, utensils, bakeware
NEW or LIKE NEW Tupperware, CorningWare, Pampered Chef
Lamps and shdes
NEW or LIKE NEW Bedding, towels, tablecloths
Modern home/holiday decorations
Name brand tools
NEW or GENTLY USED Sporting Equipment
Musial instruments