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Poverty Awareness Programs

Bridges out of Poverty

The Bridges Out of Poverty Training is designed to develop understanding across social and economic groups.


Cultures have norms and we all respond based on the hidden rules of our upbringing. This training provides an understanding of the hidden rules for individuals in poverty, middle class, and wealth with the goal of providing avenues of success for all. Individuals who work regularly with those living in poverty or want to advocate for those in poverty will benefit from this training.

The Bridges Out of Poverty training sponsored by Crisis Control Ministry is a 4-hour session held several times a year. It is open to all residents of Forsyth County, North Carolina. There is no fee to attend but you must register and it is strongly advised that you read Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D. before attending.

Please see the Calendar & Events page for when the next session will be held and how to register. You may also contact Sydney Angel, Poverty Awareness Programs Coordinator, to find out when the next session will be held.

Our Impact Fiscal Year 2023

  • Number of People Served


  • Number of Volunteers


  • Value of Services Provided


  • Pounds of Food Distributed


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