What is a Poverty Simulation?
A poverty simulation is a guided experience that exposes participants to the realities of poverty, including the challenges of navigating the complex world of government services and other essential service providers. During the simulation, participants assume the roles of up to 26 different families facing poverty. The task for each family is to provide basic necessities and shelter during four 15-minute weeks, while balancing the requirements of various service providers with the realities of daily life.
Why have a Poverty Simulation?
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult for some people to escape poverty? Have you ever wanted to help but not known how? The poverty simulation is an invaluable experience that will undoubtedly impact your perspective of your community and the impoverished. Advocate from a place of knowledge as well as compassion.
What is Living on the Edge?
To hold a Poverty Simulation, you must have a minimum of 40 participants. For smaller groups, we developed Living on the Edge. This 75-90 minute interactive experience will offer a better understanding of the causes of poverty with ample time for discussion. Sunday school classes, community organizations, schools and businesses find Living on the Edge to be informative and thought provoking.
What People are Saying
“Eye-opening experience.”
“I can now better appreciate the stress and struggle that our families face.”
“Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes is so important.”
“It gave me the perspective of an unemployed mother and all the issues that come up daily.”
“It helps to step outside of your own world and remember how others live.”
“After the experience, I feel better informed with ideas of what I can do to help others.”