Welcome to Crisis Control Ministry's Healthy Client-Choice Food Pantry
We have created this page as a resource for neighbors to experience healthy eating together. The growing library includes favorite recipes and resources from our staff, partner agencies, and neighbors like you. Please share with us your favorite healthy recipes. If you have recipes or instructional videos you would like to share, contact Tammy Caudill at tcaudill@crisiscontrol.org.
We are currently collecting recipes and cooking videos from neighbors to share with you.
Check back soon to explore the growing recipe library.

Each year, children across Forsyth County join the FUN and LEARNING ABOUT HELPING THEIR NEIGHBORS! Daycare centers, preschools, elementary schools, and other organizations participate in Crisis Control Ministry's Wee Care! Cereal Drive. Wee Care! is a program designed to educate preschool and elementary school-age children about the importance of good nutrition while encouraging them to give to support their local community. The donated cereal will be distributed in the Crisis Control Ministry Winston-Salem and Kernersville client-choice food pantries to hungry families experiencing financial crises. In 2024, 71 participating schools donated - nearly 10,000 boxes, which is more than 147,000 servings!
Click the link below for kid-friendly recipes.

Crisis Control Ministry is pleased to announce that our Winston-Salem client-choice pantry has been awarded the NEFPAT Gold Certification.
The Nutrition Environment Food Pantry Assessment Tool (NEFPAT) is a robust tool
used to assess food pantries. The tool serves to measure six objectives:
- provide client choice options
- increase healthy food choices
- diversify fruit/vegetable forms
- diversify fruit/vegetable types
- provide additional nutrition resources
- accommodate alternate eating patterns
While Crisis Control Ministry’s client-choice food pantries already met the criteria to achieve Gold status, additional improvements were made this year, including providing healthy cooking demonstrations and classes for clients and this growing library of online resources.